Week in Sweden

Hello! Long time no see but now I’m back here and ready to write a new post.So last week we went again to Sweden for a week. We had an awesome time there with my friends and teachers. Now I’m going to write a diary about our trip. Let’s get started!

Monday 29.2

On Monday I woke up around 8.00 am and I started to get ready for the day. it was really exciting to woke up, the day was finally here. I did my last packing things and then we packed the car. We picked up Edit and Ada and then we drove to the airport. There we met the other student and teachers. We did some shopping already there and took some photos, of course. The flight went really well and when we landed to Copenhagen we went to eat. After that we took the train to Vinslöv. Some of the students and all the teachers stayed in Hässleholm so six of us continued the trip to Vinslöv. There we met our hosts for the first time, it was ready exciting! This night we went to Kielo’s place to spent the night. It was really nice and we played some games. In the evening I also went to Frida’s dance lesson.

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Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

Tuesday 1.3

When I had woken up I got ready. We at breakfast and went to the school for a few hours. We had for example P.E and we danced all together, it was quite fun. After the lunch we walked to the railway station and picked a train to Hässleholm. There we had a city rally and  we had such a good time together. Then we did some shopping and went to a cafe to waste our time. In the evening we met in the school and we ate pizzas and watched a movie. That was really fun! After that we went to Alice’s and Pinja’s place to spent the night.


Wednesday 2.3 

In the morning we went to the school. We stayed there until the lunch and after that we all, included also the Swedish people, we went to railway station. We went to Kristianstad by train and it took a few minutes. First we went to a nature museum and we stayed there for an hour. Then we did some shopping in the city and spent the time together. We also went to eat and we had such a good time. We took a train back to Vinslöv and we went to spent the night to our place. It was one of the best night we had there. So much fun! We played some games together and sang karaoke.


Thursday 3.3

This day we stayed in the school for the whole day. We got a few laptops to do our homework and the blog. After the school we went to Kielo’s place with Frida. After a few hours Tova’s dad drove us to the bowling center. It was so much fun after I understood how to bowl. The last time when I went bowling was long time ago so that’s why it was quite hard in the beginning. Then we ate some food and it was so delicious. So good, can’t even tell! In the night we went to Emma’s place. We danced together and sang some karaoke as every other night. So much fun!

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Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

Friday 4.4

The last day, no way. The week went so fast. First we went to the school as every day and we stayed there for the whole day. Then we went to Kielo’s place with Frida. Then Tova’s dad drove us again to the railway station. Then we had to say goodbye and we took the train to Hässleholm. There we did some last shopping and take some photos together. Then we took another train to Copenhagen, to the airport. Around 20.10 pm our flight took off from Copenhagen and we flew to Helsinki. It was really nice to got home after a long week although it was an awesome one. I have to thank our teachers and students in Finland and Sweden for making this trip impossible. See you guys very soon! Miss you already!


Cafe Klockan♥


So today after the school I took a bus to the old town of the Porvoo. We got a homework, where we had to make a post about a cafe here in Finland, Porvoo. I thought that it was so fun idea so I decided that it would be nice to make it about the one cafe in the old town. There’s so beautiful and peaceful, I recommend♥  So I went to the cafe called Klockan. I asked if I could take some photos and ask some questions. I also took some cake and juice, yummy♥ This cafe wasn’t that old but it had made to look like it’s old. I like that kind of  house decor♥ It’s so relaxing and cozy♥ Love that! The cafe Klockan sold everything that you can ask from a cafe. Desserts, homemade juices and ice cream, delicacies, vines, also some food meals like steaks, more delicacies, filled sandwiches, homemade breads… Oh goosh, I could do this list for a longer time..

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Some pictures to see the view of the old town♥ Very beautiful as you can tell♥ There’s quite many shops to visit, cafes, restaurant, attractions… So I definitely recommend to visit the old town if you ever have an option♥


Cafe Klockan♥

  • Describe the Cafe Klockan in three words♥

comfortable, friendly and tasty.

What is the best sold dessert in this cafe?♥

I’ll say the doughnuts.

What is your secret of the tasty desserts and delicacies?♥

Everything is homemade and we make the desserts with love.

How it feels to work here?♥

I enjoy to work here so much. You meet new people and you can do what you love to do.

What kind of customers you usually have here?♥

In the winter time usually locals, but now when the summer is coming we usually have many tourists.




The decor of the cafe looked so nice♥ It was full of little details and also the some big ones. There was so nice to just sit down, enjoy your cage and dessert, look around, maybe read some magazines… I just love to have some relaxing moments especially when you have so many things to do, like I just have. Luckily I have only one test before the summer holiday. Can’t wait♥ And also the next week is going to be so fun and I have a lot things to do♥


So what you think about this post? Let me know in the comments and we will see in the next post! See you!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥

Mother’s Day Cake♥


This Sunday I decided to surprise my mommy because it was the mother’s day♥ I made an amazing tasting cake to my mom. It was so GOOD! I think that it’s one of the best things that I have ever baked but also on of the hardest. It’s not that hard as it maybe looks like, you just have to focus on what you are doing and do it in the best way that you could. That’s how you can surprise your family member, friend or someone else on a celebrate day. This is just an amazing idea how to surprise someone if you don’t have any other ideas which you could make. But noow, let’s just hop into the post..♥



Mother’s Day Cake♥

What you will need:

Base of the cake:

– Five eggs

– 3 deciliter of sugar

– 3 deciliter of flour

– 2 teaspoon of baking powder

Between the layers:

– 4 deciliter of milk

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar


– 1 jar of strawberry jam

– 3 bananas

– 2 deciliter of whipped cream

– 2 tablespoon of sugar

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Butterscotch topping:

– 2 deciliter of whipped cream

– 1 deciliter of brown sugar

– 1/2 deciliter of sugar

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

– 25 grams of butter/margarine

To the edges:

– 5 deciliter of whipping cream

– 1/2 deciliter of sugar

– 2 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

1. Broke the eggs to the bowl and add the sugar.


2. Whip the mixture until you have a white and airy mixture.

3. Mix the flour and the baking powder together in an another bowl.


4. Add the flour mixture to the egg-sugar mixture very carefully. Mix and be sure that you are doing it very gently. You don’t want to brake the airiness of the mixture.


5. Melt the butter and grease the cake mold with the butter. Add some breadcrumbs if you would like to.

6. Add the mixture to the cake mold and bake it in the oven for like one hour or until the cake have got a gold-brown cover and it comes out from the mold. The oven should be 150 degrees warm.

7. When you have got the cake from the oven let it cool for a few minutes. Then cut the cake’s base to three layers.

.8 Fill the washed cake mold with some cellophane.

9. Mix the milk and the vanilla sugar together.

10. Put the top layer of the cake (the flat layer) to the mold upside down. Add some milk-vanilla sugar mixture so it’s not going to be dry.

11. Whip the whipping cream and spice it with the sugar and the vanilla sugar.

12. Mush the bananas.

13. Add the strawberry jam, whipped cream and the banana mush to top of the first cake layer. Put the next layer to top of the filled layer. Do the same step you already did to the first layer. Put the last layer of the cake. Let it stay in the fridge for a few hours.


14. Put the filled cake base an a serving plate. Be sure that the flat side of the cake is showing out.

15. Put the whipping cream, sugar, the brown sugar and the vanilla sugar to a sauce pan. Cook the mixture in a mild temperature for a fifteen minutes or until it’s getting sticky. remember to mix it all the time.

16. Add the butter to the butterscotch so it gets a shiny look.

17. Poor the butterscotch to the top of the cake.


18. Mix the whipped cream to the edges. Spice it with the sugar and the vanilla sugar.

19. Add the cream to the edges and decorate the cake anyway you would like to.


Yep, That’s all!♥ I hope so that you likes this post! Please comment down below and let me know what you thought about this post♥ See you in the next post! Enjoy the spring and the upcoming summer!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥

Finnish Rosetti♥

Hey you!

What’s up? I’m not doing that well at the moment and I’m writing this post at home with only one hand on working. It’s a long story so let’s just get into this post. So, last week we made some Finnish traditional delicacy called ”rosetti”. It’s actually very famous at the moment because it’s one of the delicacy we make here in Finland in the spring time. Here in Finland we spent a holiday which has named ”vappu”. That’s the time of the year when we celebrate  the spring, upcoming summer and also the students which graduate in the spring. The whole country celebrate ”vappu” and it’s also a day off from the schools. But now, let’s just get into the post!

Finnish Rosetti♥

What you will need:

– 1 egg

– 3/4 deciliter of milk

– 3/4 deciliter of flour

– a pinch of salt

For the frying:

– oil


– icing sugar and vanilla sugar


1. Mix the egg in the boil when it’s all broken. Add the milk and mix until you have a smooth mixture.

2. Add the flour and salt. Mix it all together when it’s all smooth and silk.


3. Heat the oil in the cauldron. WARNING! Be careful when you are working with the oil. The oil is so hot that it can burn you!

4. Heat the ”rosetti” iron in the oil for a few seconds. When you are done, remember to wait until  the extra oil have come out.

5. Dip the ”rosetti” iron in the dough mixture. Be sure that you don’t dip the whole iron in the mixture. When you can see the top of the iron, that’s enough.

6. Dip the ”rosetti” iron in the oil and let the dough fry in the oil. The ”rosetti” is done when it has got a brown-gold color.


7. Pick up the rosetti from the oil and let it dry on a paper towel. Heat the iron again in the oil and continue frying the other ”rosetti”s. Mix the dough mixture after a few fried ”rosetti” so it’s not getting sticky.

8. When you have fried the all ”rosetti”s add the topping, icing- and vanilla sugar.



So that’s all! It was quite hard to write with the one hand but I did it and that’s the most important thing! I hope so that you liked this photo and we will see in the next post! Enjoy the spring and remember to celebrate the ”vappu” carefully!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥


How are you guys doing? I’m doing absolutelly well.. Like one and half week ago at Easter holiday I went to Turkey with my dad and brother. I have already been in Turkey but I hadn’t ever visited those cities we did this time. I was so excited to visit those cities! It’s absolutelly a beutiful country! 💖 The holiday was awesome!❤ I already miss those times❤

First we flew to Istanbul where we changed the fligt and in the mid day we were in Antalya❤ It was so warm and the weather was AWESOME! We also rented a car so it was so easy to drive around the city🌞❤ So beautiful! If you ever have a chance to visit you totally should!❤❤ The old town was so so beautiful and if you are looking for a shopping area, you can also find that as well!💸  Okay, I have to reveal that I MAYBE used too much money, haha! ☺



Our hotel was in the old part of Antalya and there was literally soo beautiful❤ There are so many place where to eat, spent the night, watch the view, take coffee… ❤  So much to do and see there!❤ I loved it❤
We also went to Alanya which is like 200 km far from Antalya. How I told we rented a car so it was so nice to drive along the beautiful coast❤ Alanya is quite more like tourist place than Antalya. We saw quite many people  from here,  Scandinavia. You can also tell from that the locals spoke some Scandinavian languages.  Yeah, we had such a nice conversations…



We visited the castle of the Alanya and we also drove up to the hills. So beautiful view❤ And I also did some shopping there, oops… There was also so many beaches with white sand and  ocean water❤ I can just imagine!❤ I miss that so much❤


Yeah, some top points of our trip. Hopefully you liked this post❤ Please comment if you prefer this kind of posts so then I know to do those also in the future. See you in the next post, have a nice weekend!❤❤
       With the best greetings Maria❤

Cream puffs♥



Hey you!

Two weeks ago we made cream puffs and they didn’t turn out as well as we thought. We made two doughs until we got the best one which we used then. I just one to say that don’t give up when you are making this ’cause  it would be harder than you have maybe thought. I don’t want to scare you with my sayings, just take your time and don’t give up. Btw from this recipe you get quite many cream puffs, just wanted to say! But now let’s get into this post, hope so you like this!♥

Cream puffs♥

What you will need:

– 1 1/2 deciliter of water

– 75 grams of butter

– 1 1/2 deciliter of flour

– 3 eggs

1. Boil your water and butter in the kettle. Add the flour. Mix it hard until you  got a fixed ball from the mixture. Let the mixture cool for a good hour or until it’s not warm anymore.



2. Add the eggs one at a time and mix it hard with the mixer all the time. Extend your mixing even longer after every one egg, after you have broke the third egg you should mix it for 3-4 minutes.



3. Put the douhg on a greaseproof paper with a spoon. Don’t make too big pieces from them because they rice in the oven so much bigger.



 The dough shouldn’t look like this, we failed this one! Don’t use this photo as a guide!

4. Preheat your oven for 200 degrees warm. After that put it to the oven for a 25 minutes or even longer. The cream puffs are ready to take out from the oven when they have a gold-brown cover.

5. Let them cool before adding the filling. For the filling you can use any ingredients you would like to. Cream puffs can also be a salty dish. We used some berries and cream.

6.  Your cream puffs are raedy to serve. Enjoy!


This was all for today! Hope you liked this post and see you soon!♥

P.S I’m so sorry that we don’t have pictures to share here! We hadn’t enough time to make it possible!

P.P.S. What you think about the new  edited look of the pictures?! I’m not sure..

With the best greetings Maria♥






Curd- peach pie♥


How are you doing? Today I’m going to share this very easy pie recipe with you guys. It’s been a long time since I have posted my last recipe, so hopefully you enjoy this! That week we had Easter inspired lesson so we decided to make some traditional Easter pies. We picked up this cake and it was so so easy to make and it’s not gonna take a long time! So, let’s get started! I hope so you are going to like this recipe!

Curd-peach pie♥

What you will need:


– deciliter of flour

– 1 teaspoon of baking soda

– 100 grams of butter/ margarine

– 1 deciliter of sugar

– 1 egg


– 200 grams of peach

– 125 grams of curd

– 1 deciliter of cream

– 1/2 deciliter of sugar

– 1 egg

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar


– 3/4 deciliter of flour

– 2 tablespoon of sugar

– 25 grams of butter/margarine

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees warm. Grease your pie casserole.

2. Mix the flour and baking soda together. Whisk the butter and sugar in another bowl until you have a bluffy mixture. Add the g. Add the flour mixture and mix it until it’s all smooth.



3. Put the base mixture to the pie casserole. Bake the base in the oven for 10 minutes. When it’s in the oven you can start to work with the filling.

4. Chop the peach to a small pieces. Mix all the filling ingredients together.

5. Now we are going to start working with the topping. Mix the flour and sugar together. Add the butter and pluck it to the flour with your hands.

6. Poor the curd mixture on the base to a plane layer. Sprinkle the topping on the curd mixture.


 7. Bake the pie in the oven for 20 minutes or until the curd mixture is getting fixed and the topping is getting a brown-gold cover.



That was all!♥ So easy to make as you can realize! Remember that you can also use different fruits than only peaches! Coment down below what you think and let me know your thoughts about this recipe! See you next time, By the way I’m quite excited aboput the following post! Get excited♥

P.S. What you think about the new  edited look of the pictures?!

With the best greetings Maria♥


Sweden 2015♥


Hey you!

9th of March:

We finally started our trip to Sweden with our teachers and the other students from Finland. We met each other at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport where we had a meet up. First we flew to Copenhagen and the flight went so fast and it was okay.


We stayed at Kastrup for a few hours and also ate till we took the train to Sweden, Hässleholm. I was quite nervous to meet my host for the first time but everything went well. After that we went to our host families and unpacked our staffs. That night we met at Ola’s place and we had such a good time together and we made a new friends!

10th of March:

This was our first day at the school with our hosts. The school was quite different from our school. It was so much bigger and we used our shoes inside. I prefer to use shoes inside so that was nice! The school was also very international like there was many students from other countries. I liked that!  We stayed there for a few hours untill we went to a guided tour around the Hässleholm.

wpid-20150310_144044.jpg It was so beautiful and also one of the warmest day there! First we took a tour in the country side and the view was so nice. All the trees, fields and  the lake… One of the best memories we made in Hässleholm♥




After that we met our hosts at the city and we spent our time visiting the shops. In the evening we were at Li’s place and we ordered some pizza and watched movies. We had such a good time together.

11th of March:

On Wednesday all of us took the train to Kristianstad where we spent our day together. We shopped, ate, laughed, visited the attractions etc. So much fun! The day was quite cold but that didn’t stopped us. If you would have an opportunity to visit Kristianstad I recommend to visit! It’s not that big but very beautiful and there’s a lot of things to do and see! At least for me ’cause I was the tourist! After a long day we took the train back to Hässleholm and we all went to our homes for a few hours. That night we spent at Elof’s place and it was so much fun together. All the nights were one of the best part in Hässleholm!

12th of March:

This day we had an usual day in school with our hosts. After that boring day at the school we went together to the town and we bought some souvenirs etc.


Also this night we met each other, tonight at Nadja’s place. We ate tacos and we had such a good time even though we were quite tired. It was our last night there so we enjoyed the night together as long as we stayed awake. All of us were so tired and it showed from the atmosphere! It wasn’t that loud and brisk than the other nights!  Overall it was very nice to be together!

13th of March:

This was our last day in Hässleholm. We went to the school for a few hours and we also ate there. After that we walked to the railway station with our hosts. There we made our last ”homework” and took our last photos together in Sweden . We said our goodbyes  and shared hugs. That wasn’t fun at all but luckily it wasn’t our last goodbyes. From Hässleholm we took the train to Copenhagen and from Copenhagen we flew back to Finland. From the airport we went our homes with our happy face and one experience richer (if you can say like that). Thank you all!♥ See you soon!♥


P.S. I have to thank our teachers and all the students making this trip possible! I will never forget our week in Hässleholm so thanks for that!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥


Karjalanpiirakka aka Rice pies♥


Today I’m going to introduce this native Finnish food piece. It’s called Karjalanpiirakka aka rice pies and it’s one of the most famous Finnish foods you can find. It’s a very traditional food and I bet,  every Finn has eaten it at least once in their life.


You make rice pie’s crust from rye and inside there is smooth boiled rice porridge. We serve rice pies usually with a mixture called ”munavoi” which is made from hard boiled eggs and butter. When you are looking for the best taste of rice pie I recommend to eat it with ”munavoi” and some toppings, for example ham, cheese, vegetables etc.


In the18th and 19th century rice pies had spread also to East-Finland and the first noted information about rice pies is from 1686. We have to thank those migrants who have left Karjala because that’s why it has spread to all around Finland and also to Sweden. It has been one of the most important things in the journey of rice pies. Rice pies  are well- known also in Northern-Russia.

So if you got interested in rice pies you can find more information on the Internet. You can also find some recipes to test like this and this .

I hope that you liked this post! This is something different from what I usually post so I really hope that you liked this post!♥ See you!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥

Photos from here & here!

Chocolate muffins♥

Hey you!

Today I’m going to share this chocolate muffins recipe with you! It’s such a easy recipe and very delicious. I hope so that you like this and yeap, no longer talking! Let’s get into that♥

Chocolate muffins♥

What you will need:

– 2 eggs

– 1 1/2 deciliter of sugar

– 1 deciliter of milk

– 75 grams of butter (melted)

– 1 teaspon of vanilla sugar

– 1 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

– 2 deciliter of flour

– 1/2 deciliter of chocolate powder

– 1 chocolate bar (180g)

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1. Whisk the eggs and sugar together until you have a stick foam. Add the milk, melted and cooled butter and all the dry ingredients which have already added together. Mix until you have a smooth mixture.


2.  Chop the chocolates you have chosen and add those to the mixture and mix hard.


3. Add the dough to the muffins casseroles but don’t fill them so full because they rise in the oven.

4. Heat your oven for 200 degrees warmBake the muffins in the oven for 15 minutes.


5. And now you have your own cooked muffins. If you have time and if you want you can also decorate those muffins. I was quite lazy so I didn’t.

That’s all for today and hope you like this post! See you in the next post!♥

With the best greetings Maria♥